A Comprehensive Guide On Qualitative And Quantitative Research

Qualitative And Quantitative Research

Defining Research:

A creative and systematic work that is used to increase the stock of knowledge is known as research. With the help of research, someone can establish or confirm new facts and figures. The research is also useful for us to establish new theories. We can also develop some further knowledge about a specific topic with the help of effective research. Here we discuss the concept of qualitative and quantitative research in detail;

Similarities between qualitative and quantitative research

No doubt, qualitative and quantitative research are two similar things, but there are also some similarities between qualitative and quantitative research. 

  • One of the most important similarities between qualitative and quantitative research is that the raw data collected with the help of qualitative and quantitative research is ultimately qualitative.
  • While collecting the data using qualitative and quantitative research, it shows similar impressions of the researchers.
  • Either you will gather the data by adopting qualitative research or quantitative research; we can’t deny the role of a researcher.
  • The reality of qualitative and quantitative research is mixed. Its reason is that it provides an impression of both raw data and individual impressions.

Differences between qualitative and quantitative research

Along with some similarities, there are also some differences between qualitative and quantitative research.

  • The first difference between qualitative and quantitative research is in their purpose. The purpose of qualitative research is to understand the reasons and motivations. On the other hand, the main purpose of quantitative research is to quantify the data and generalize the results.
  • The setting of the qualitative research is such that it provides an idea about the insight of a problem. On the other hand, the setting of quantitative research is such that it measures the incidence of the various views and opinions about a specific sample.
  • The aim of qualitative research is that uncover some prevalent trends. With the help of quantitative research, we will have to explore the findings in-depth.
  • Two different data collection techniques are used by qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. To gather the data through qualitative research, we will have to adapt the unstructured technique. On the other hand, to gather the data with the help of quantitative research, we will have to adopt a structured technique.
  • With the help of qualitative research, we gather non-statistical data. On the other hand, with the help of quantitative research, we will have to gather statistical data.

Difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis

When you are going to take a detailed examination of something, this is known as analysis. 

  • The nature of the qualitative analysis is subjective, and we gather non-statistical information with the help of this analysis. The information gathered by this method is not computed. On the other hand, the nature of the quantitative analysis is objective, and we can easily quantify the data gathered with the help of quantitative analysis.
  • With the help of qualitative analysis, we can gather typical data about color, gender, religion, etc. On the other hand, with the help of quantitative analysis, we can gather data about measurable quantities.
  • Qualitative analysis is used to get an idea of the occurrence of a particular phenomenon. On the other hand, quantitative analysis is used to get an idea that how many times a particular phenomenon occurs.
  • While gathering the data with the help of qualitative analysis, we use a small sample, and this small sample is non-representative of the entire population. On the other hand, while gathering the data with the help of quantitative analysis, we use a large sample. These large samples can be generalized to the entire population.
  • With the help of qualitative analysis, we can understand and interpret social interactions. On the other hand, with the help of quantitative analysis, we can test the hypothesis and give future predictions about this hypothesis.
  • The type of qualitative analysis is exploratory. On the other hand, the type of quantitative analysis is conclusions.

Tips to do Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is a broad field of inquiry. We will have to adopt essential techniques like surveys, interviews, and observations to gather the data.

  • First of all, you need to find out the topic. This topic should be specific, clear, and manageable.
  • Secondly, you will have to take an overview of the literature review. With the help of this literature review, we will get an idea of what other people have written about this topic.
  • Thirdly, we should get an idea of whether this specific method is fit to gather the data by adopting this research technique or not.
  • After that, you should consider your ideal sampling size.
  • There are many qualitative research methodologies like action research, ethnography, ground theory, and case study research. You should select one of them.
  • It would be best to collect data by direct observation, participant observation, interviews, surveys, etc.
  • After collecting the data, you should analyze the data by coding, descriptive statistics, narrative analysis, content analysis, etc.
  • At last, you will be in a position to write your qualitative research.

Tips to do Quantitative Research

A research method that is used to gather numerical data is known as quantitative research.

  • Quantitative research starts with the help of theory.
  • You will have to formulate the hypothesis to testify to your theory.
  • In the next step, you will have to select a research design to gather the data for your research paper.
  • Now, it’s time to formulate such operational concepts.
  • After that, you will have to collect the data by adopting an appropriate data collection technique.
  • Sixthly, you will have to analyze and process the data by adopting some essential techniques.
  • At last, you will have to write the findings and results of your research.
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