Argumentative Thesis Statement – An Ultimate Guide To Writing An Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Thesis Statement

Table of Contents

Do you find any difficulty in writing an argumentative thesis statement? You don’t need to worry now. This article will provide basic tips and techniques for making persuasive arguments in your thesis.

What is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is a concise and specific sentence summarising an essay’s main point, argument, or research paper. It typically appears near the beginning of the work, often at the end of the introduction. The thesis statement serves as a guide for the reader. It informs the focus and purpose of the writing. It should be clear and specific and provide a framework for the rest of the writing. A strong thesis statement is essential to a successful essay or research paper and provides a clear roadmap for the reader to follow.

A Good Thesis Statement – Example

Example: The increasing prevalence of online education is transforming how we learn and acquire knowledge. However, it also poses new challenges and requires us to rethink traditional notions of education.

Why is it a Good Thesis Statement?

  1. This thesis statement clearly expresses the main argument (that online education is transforming education).
  2. It provides a roadmap for the essay’s main points (discussing the benefits and challenges of online education and the need to rethink traditional education models).
  3. It presents a discussion topic specific to an essay or research paper.

Types of Thesis Statements

There are three focal types of thesis statements:

  1. Analytical thesis statement
  2. Expository thesis statement
  3. Argumentative thesis statement

Analytical Thesis Statement:

This thesis statement breaks down an idea or issue into respective components. The statement evaluates the issue or idea and presents this to the reader. An analytical thesis statement examines a topic and provides an argument or opinion.

Here’s a sample of an Analytical thesis statement:

Example: The rise of social media had a significant impact on modern society, as it has changed the way people communicate, connects, and engage with one another.

Expository Thesis Statement:

This thesis statement explains or informs readers about a specific topic or issue. It is designed to be informative and objective rather than argumentative. An expository thesis statement requires a clear explanation of a topic or issue.

Here’s an example of an Expository thesis statement:

Example: The greenhouse effect is a natural process that occurs when certain gases in the Earth’s atmosphere trap heat from the sun, increasing the Earth’s surface temperature.

Argumentative Thesis Statement:

This thesis statement presents an argument or claims about a topic or issue. The statement must support it with evidence and logical reasoning. An Argumentative thesis statement requires a stance on a topic or issue and provides evidence to support their position. Here’s an example of an argumentative thesis statement:

Example: Using renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Difference Between All Types Of Thesis Statements:

The main differences between the three types of thesis statements are shown in the table:

  Type of Thesis Statement Definition Characteristics
1. Analytical Thesis Statement
  • It breaks down a topic or idea into its parts
  • It evaluates all to make an argument
  • Clearly states the main point or argument of the essay
  • Often includes specific points of analysis in the essay
  • May be several sentences long, especially in longer essays
2. Expository Thesis Statement An expository thesis statement explains or describes a particular topic or idea.
  • Clearly states the main point or argument of the essay
  • Often includes a summary of the points in the essay
  • Maybe just one or two sentences long
3. Argumentative Thesis Statement An argumentative thesis statement takes a stance on a particular issue or topic and argues it.
  • Clearly states the writer’s position on the issue or topic
  • Presents a clear and concise argument throughout the essay
  • May use forceful or assertive language


Note: Keep in mind that these categories are not always mutually exclusive. A thesis statement may combine elements of more than one type. Additionally, different academic disciplines require different types of thesis statements.

Should Your Essay Follow A Thesis Statement?

Your essay should contain a thesis statement because it provides the main points of your essay. A strong thesis statement guides the reader with a roadmap through the essay. By clearly stating the main argument, the writer can ensure that each paragraph and section of the essay is relevant and supports the overall thesis. It will help to make the essay more coherent and easier to follow for the reader.

You can choose the most appropriate type for your essay or research paper by understanding the differences between the three types of thesis statements. Craft a thesis statement that effectively conveys your main argument or point.

How To Outline Argumentative Thesis Statement – 5 Steps To Follow:

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to outline an argumentative thesis statement:

  1. Identify your topic: Determine the topic you want to write about.
  2. Research your topic: Research to gather information and evidence to support your argument.
  3. Choose a stance: Decide your position or stance on the topic. This will be the basis for your argumentative thesis statement.
  4. Develop your thesis statement: Craft a clear, concise statement expressing your stance. Your thesis statement should also be arguable, meaning there should be room for disagreement or debate.
  5. Create an outline: Develop an outline for your essay that supports your thesis statement. This will help you to organize your ideas and ensure that every paragraph and piece of evidence supports your argument.

Argumentative Thesis Statement (Example)

Topic: Should high school students be required to wear uniforms?



  • Background information on school uniforms
  • Thesis statement

Arguments for school uniforms

  • Sense of unity and equality
  • Reduction of social and economic differences

Arguments against school uniforms

  • Limits self-expression
  • It can be not very easy for families

Refutation of opposing arguments

  • Counterarguments to arguments for school uniforms
  • Rebuttal of opposing arguments against school uniforms


  • Recap of arguments
  • Restatement of thesis statement
  • Call to action

By following these steps, you can effectively outline a conclusion for an argumentative thesis statement. You can support it with evidence and examples.

Thesis statement: Some argue that mandatory school uniforms promote a sense of unity and equality among students. The requirement should be abolished because it limits students’ self-expression and can be financially burdensome for families.

In the next sections, I will explain the steps to generate Argumentative Thesis Statements under the following conditions;

1) When the topic is assigned

2) When the topic is not assigned

3) When the thesis statement is too weak

How To Generate An Argumentative Thesis Statement – If The Topic Is Assigned

If the topic is assigned, you can generate an argumentative thesis statement by following these steps:

Read And Understand The Topic:

Make sure that you understand the assigned topic. Read its scope and the specific aspects to address.

Brainstorm Ideas:

Brainstorm ideas about the topic and include arguments for and against it. Think about the evidence and examples to support your argument.

Take A Stance:

Take a clear and specific stance, whether favouring or against a particular idea or policy. Always argue for a specific solution to a problem.

Develop Your Argument:

Use your brainstorming ideas and evidence to develop a compelling argument.

Craft Your Thesis Statement:

Craft a clear and concise thesis statement on the topic convincingly. Make sure that your thesis statement is arguable. You should be able to support it with evidence.

Let’s understand how to generate an argumentative thesis statement for the following topic:

Assigned Topic: Should College Athletes Be Paid?

Read And Understand The Topic:

Ensure you understand the topic’s scope and look out for relevant data about college athletes to address.

Brainstorm Ideas:

Brainstorm the arguments favouring and against paying college athletes. Consider the financial benefits of college sports programs. Also, find out the potential exploitation of college athletes. The impact of paying college athletes should be searched out on the quality of college sports.

Take A Stance:

Take a clear and specific stance. You may argue that college athletes should be paid for participating in college sports programs.

Develop Your Argument:

Use your brainstorming ideas and evidence to develop a compelling argument. You may argue that college sports programs generate significant revenue, and athletes should receive a portion. It will surely help to compensate for their time and effort. You may also argue that paying college athletes will reduce the risk of exploitation. It will provide a fairer system for compensating athletes.

Craft Your Thesis Statement:

“College athletes should be paid for their participation in college sports programs, as they provide a valuable service that generates significant revenue for colleges and universities. Paying college athletes would help to reduce the risk of exploitation and provide a fairer system for compensating athletes who contribute to the success of college sports programs.”

This thesis statement takes a clear stance on the issue. It is supported by evidence and is arguable against paying college athletes.

How To Generate An Argumentative Thesis Statement – If The Topic Is Not Assigned

If the topic is not assigned, you can still generate an Argumentative thesis statement by following these steps:

Identify A Topic:

Choose a topic of your interest and knowledge. It’s important to choose a relevant topic and have a personal connection.

Narrow Down The Topic:

Narrow down the topic to a specific issue or aspect to focus on. This will help you to develop a more focused and specific argument.

Research the topic:

Research to gather information and evidence. This will support your position on the topic. This will develop a strong thesis statement.

Determine Your Stance:

Based on your research, determine your stance on the issue. Decide whether you are for or against a particular idea or policy. Argue for a specific solution to a problem.

Craft Your Thesis Statement:

Craft a clear and concise thesis statement to present your argument convincingly. Make sure that your thesis statement is arguable and supportive.

Let’s understand how to generate an argumentative thesis statement without any assigned topic:

Choose a Topic:

The impact of social media on mental health

Narrow Down The Topic:

The negative impact of social media on mental health

Research The Topic:

Research to gather information on the negative impact of social media on mental health. Search out for increased rates of depression and anxiety.

Determine Your Stance:

Based on your research, take a stance on the issue. You may argue that social media companies are responsible for protecting users’ mental health.

Craft Your Thesis Statement:

“Social media companies should be held responsible for the negative impact of their platforms on mental health, and should take steps to mitigate these effects, such as promoting healthy social media habits and providing access to mental health resources.”

This thesis statement takes a clear stance on the issue and is supportive. The evidence against social media companies for their users’ mental health is arguable.

How To Tell A Strong Argumentative Thesis Statement From A Weak One?

A strong Argumentative thesis statement clearly expresses the writer’s stance on a particular issue or topic. It provides a compelling argument that is supported by evidence. On the other hand, a weak argumentative thesis statement is vague and lacks a clear stance. It fails to provide a convincing argument.

Here are four key differences between a strong and weak Argumentative thesis statement:


A strong thesis statement is clear and concise. In comparison, a weak thesis statement is vague and lacks clarity.

Example Of A Strong Thesis Statement:

“Mandatory vaccination laws are necessary to prevent the spread of diseases and protect public health.”

Example Of A Weak Thesis Statement:

“Vaccinations are important.”


A strong thesis statement takes a clear and specific stance. At the same time, a weak thesis statement is too general or lacks a clear position.

Example Of A Strong Thesis Statement:

“The use of mobile phones should be banned while driving to reduce accidents and ensure road safety.”

Example Of A Weak Thesis Statement:

“Using mobile phones while driving is bad.”


A strong thesis statement is supported by evidence and examples. At the same time, a weak thesis statement lacks supporting evidence.

Example Of A Strong Thesis Statement:

“The legalization of marijuana can have numerous benefits, including increased tax revenue, reduced crime rates, and improved medical treatment options.”

Example Of A Weak Thesis Statement:

“Marijuana should be legalized because it’s good.”


A strong thesis statement acknowledges and addresses potential counterarguments. In contrast, a weak thesis statement ignores them.

Example Of A Strong Thesis Statement:

“Although some argue that online learning is less effective than traditional classroom learning, it is more flexible and accessible, providing opportunities for people unable to attend in-person classes.”

Example Of A Weak Thesis Statement:

“Online learning is better than traditional classroom learning.”

What Is The Purpose Of An Argumentative Thesis Statement?

The purpose of an Argumentative thesis statement is

  1. To deliver a clear and concise summary of the essay or paper
  2. To indicate discussion and argument position on the topic
  3. To discuss the topic with specific and evidence support

Advantages Of An Argumentative Thesis Statement:

An Argumentative thesis statement has several advantages, including:

Provides A Clear Focus:

An Argumentative thesis statement clearly states the writer’s stance on a particular issue or topic. This provides a clear focus for the essay and avoids getting side-tracked.

Guides The Writing Process:

The writer can use their argumentative thesis statement as a guide throughout the writing process. This helps to stay organized. The writers ensured every paragraph and evidence supported their thesis statement.

Creates A Strong Argument:

An argumentative thesis statement takes a stance and makes a clear and concise argument. This can help to make the essay more persuasive. The writer is actively trying to persuade the reader to accept their point of view.

Encourages Critical Thinking:

Writing an argumentative thesis statement requires the writer to think critically. This can help to develop critical thinking skills and understand the topic in depth.

Demonstrates Expertise:

An argumentative thesis statement demonstrates the writer’s expertise on a particular topic. This can establish credibility and authority on the topic.

Thesis Statements – Styles

Thesis statements can also be categorized based on style or format.

Three common styles of thesis statements are discussed, along with examples:

Simple Thesis Statement (Style):

This statement is straightforward to express the writer’s main argument or point. It is often used in short essays or papers. It helps the writer to show a clear position on the topic.

Example: The use of smartphones in classrooms should be banned to reduce distraction and improve learning outcomes.

Three-Part Thesis Statement (Style):

This type of thesis statement includes three main points or arguments. The writer will use these points to support his position. It is often used in longer essays or research papers. It provides more evidence to support all arguments.

Example: The legalization of marijuana should be supported because it can provide medical benefits, generate tax revenue, and reduce drug-related violence.

Compound-Complex Thesis Statement (Style):

This type of thesis statement is more complex than the above two statements. It includes two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. It is often used in academic writing to present an announced argument or position.

Example: While some argue that the death penalty is an effective deterrent for violent crime, others point out that it is disproportionately applied to marginalized communities and may perpetuate social inequalities, which is why alternative forms of punishment should be considered.

By understanding the different styles, you can choose the most effective format for argument. You can create a clear and concise thesis statement to convey the main point.

The Gripping Thesis Statement Formula

“The Gripping Thesis Statement Formula” is a way to structure an Argumentative thesis statement. You can make the thesis statement more compelling by considering the following components:

  • A clear topic or subject: This is the main subject or topic to focus on. It should be specific and well-defined.
  • A strong position or argument: This is the writer’s main argument or position on the topic. It should be clear, concise, and supported by evidence.
  • A reason or rationale: This is the writer’s justification for their position or argument. It should explain why the position is important or relevant.
  • An indication of the essay’s scope: This is a brief description of the main points or arguments to cover.

Here’s an example of an Argumentative thesis statement using “The Gripping Thesis Statement Formula”:

  • Topic: The impact of smoking on lungs activity
  • Position: Smoking harms the activity and performance of the lungs
  • Reason: Smoking has been linked to increased rates of lungs cancer and heart attack
  • Scope: This will examine the evidence for the negative impact of smoking on lung health. It will explore potential sources for lung cancer and heart issues.

Using “The Gripping Thesis Statement Formula”, you can structure your thesis statement compellingly and concisely. You will set the stage for a strong and effective essay.

Tips For A Perfect Grade In Argumentative Essay

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A strong Argumentative thesis statement is essential to create persuasive and compelling essays. By following the steps outlined in this guide, writers can identify the key components of a thesis statement, choose a type and style that best fits within an argument, and ensure that the statement is clear, concise, and well-supported by evidence. With practice and careful attention to detail, new writers can master the art of crafting effective thesis statements that engage their readers and make a strong case for their position. Remember, a well-crafted thesis statement is the foundation of a great essay, so take the time to get it right, and you’ll be well on your way to success!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What Is An Argumentative Thesis Statement?

An argumentative thesis statement is a sentence that presents the writer’s position or argument on a topic. It provides a roadmap for the essay’s main points.

Why Is A Thesis Statement Important In An Argumentative Essay?

A thesis statement is important in an argumentative essay because it sets the stage for the writer’s argument. It helps the reader understand the purpose and direction of the essay.

What Are The Different Types Of Thesis Statements?

The types of thesis statements include expository, analytical, and argumentative statements.

How Do I Choose The Right Type Of Thesis Statement For My Essay?

The right type depends on the type of essay and the purpose of your argument. Consider the tone and purpose of your essay before choosing the thesis-type statement. You will then come to know which will best fit your argument.

How Do I Write A Strong Thesis Statement?

To write a strong thesis statement, you should identify the key components of your argument. Then choose a type and style that best fits your argument. Make sure your statement is clear, concise, and well-supported by evidence.

How Do I Revise My Thesis Statement?

To revise your thesis statement, you should review the main points of your argument. Consider any feedback or suggestions you’ve received. Ensure your statement is clear, concise, and accurately reflects the focus of your essay.

Can A Thesis Statement Be More Than One Sentence?

Yes, a thesis statement can be more than one sentence. But it should still be concise and focused on the main argument of your essay.

Can I Change My Thesis Statement As I Write My Essay?

Yes, you can change your thesis statement as you write your essay. But make sure to revise your statement to reflect any changes in the focus or direction of your argument.

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