What Is Phenomenology Analysis? Types, Process And Benefits

What Is Phenomenology Analysis? Types, Process And Benefits

While drafting a master’s and doctoral dissertation, you must decide on a suitable method of data analysis. The broad categorisation of data analysis methods into qualitative or quantitative research designs made selecting the appropriate analysis method easy for you. For instance, if you choose a qualitative analysis method, you must analyse or interpret data by any of the five available options. That is content analysis, thematic analysis, discourse analysis, narrative analysis, or phenomenology analysis. This article aims to describe one of these qualitative analysis methods, namely, phenomenology analysis, in detail. By overviewing its definition, types, process, and benefits, you can know whether it is worth noting for your dissertation research.

Phenomenology Analysis:

Various types of analysis methods follow the principle of the phenomenological orientation of the philosophy of sciences, collectively termed phenomenology analysis. Interpretation, bodily sensations, and experiences are some factors to which the phenomenological orientation pays attention. All in all, the method of analysis helps researchers interpret the qualitative type of data.

In phenomenology, ideas are generated from large amounts of data gathered by exploring a human interest, which is, on the one hand, used in researching stakeholder perspectives. In addition, business phenomenology is also important philosophy for making assertions based on the human experience in management studies.

For example: If a study is designed to find the effect of leadership styles on the turnover rate of employees in a private firm by conducting interviews, then this is an ideal example of phenomenology analysis as it must take into account the experiences of the employee who have left that particular firm.

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Types Of Phenomenology Analysis:

There are various types of phenomenology analysis. The following is a brief description of three main types of phenomenology you can use in your dissertation research. Deciding which one best suits your study’s pre-defined aims and objectives is a critical step. You must seek professionals and experts helps to decide the best type for your master’s and doctorate dissertation or research. Additionally, being students in the twenty-first century, you can also avail yourself of the option ‘to buy dissertation online’ to get good grades in master’s and doctorate degrees.

Hermeneutic Phenomenology:

This type of phenomenology analysis helps researchers interpret results by considering the meaning of the experience they have passed through.

Transcendental Phenomenology:

It is the scientific study of the appearance of things. It simply means transcendental phenomenology pays attention to how a thing appears and is seen as per an observer’s observation.

Existential Phenomenology:

Existential phenomenology differs from the types mentioned above as it helps researchers delve into the data set by understanding the experiences of participants on behalf of those who have lived experiences about a process, event, or phenomenon.


Phenomenology analysis is a qualitative research method that describes the universal essence of a phenomenon under study. The process examines people’s daily lives based on the researchers’ original ideas about the phenomenon. Thus, to achieve the aims, phenomenological researchers must follow the following process:

  1. Bracketing: Bracketing must be the first step in a phenomenological analysis. It helps researchers to identify the preconceived beliefs and opinions related to the phenomenon under study. This step aims to find any impurity in the data by considering any presupposition on both interviewer’s and the participant’s behalf. It is the most critical phase in phenomenology, as it aims to isolate the genuine phenomenology to lead the foundation of research on a concrete basis.
  2. Intuiting: After bracketing, the next step must be to focus on the attributes of the meaning of a given phenomenon in light of previously conducted research. Intuiting aims to develop an understanding of what has been studied so far. To achieve the aims, a researcher must provide data variance until conceptual understanding is developed. Thus, this step demands a researcher to delve into the theoretical knowledge to understand the phenomenon.
  3. Analysing: Institution is important to move on to the analysis phase of research. This step identifies the codes and themes in the data collected from the interviews. The emergence of the themes by interpreting the deep meaning of the words and phrases used in the qualitative data helps researchers to reach some consequences.
  4. Describing: It is the last step in the analysis. Here, you need to describe what you have analysed by simultaneously taking into account the respondent’s reviews and theoretical knowledge. Based on this description, you can easily conclude your study.


The phenomenological analysis is important in qualitative research design as it offers many benefits.

  1. It covers a wide range of situations to be addressed as research goals.
  2. It is the fastest and most inexpensive method of gathering information for analysis.
  3. It is ideal to overview the gradual changes in a particular process over time.
  4. It is important to understand the in-depth meanings of participants’ responses.
  5. It helps researchers overview and address ideas and new issues immediately as they arise.
  6. It is a major contributor to the development of new theories, especially in the field of social sciences.
  7. It helps in finding and gathering data that seems natural rather than artificial to use a realistic approach to solve a problem under study.
  8. It is a method that aids researchers in increasing their knowledge bank by studying the occurrence and factors affecting the occurrence of an event.
  9. It helps in creating public awareness about a particular phenomenon.
  10. It aims to create links between the lived experiences and the associated theories important to explain those experiences.

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Final Thoughts:

After all, is said and done, we can say that phenomenological research or analysis is important to gather all vital information about a phenomenon under study. It works by considering both theories and lived experiences to solve a problem. Thus, it can best help the students of the social sciences complete their work.

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