Excellent Economics Dissertation Topics – 12 Ideas To Get Started

Excellent Economics Dissertation Topics - 12 Ideas To Get Started

Economics is a broad-based subject and covers a wide range of topics. There are many areas within economics that students can choose to focus on. These include microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics among others. If you are looking for an interesting topic to write about in your dissertation, then consider these excellent economics dissertation topics:

12 Most Interesting And Intriguing Economics Dissertation Topics

1. A Critical Investigation Of Modern Finance And Its Reliance On Utilitarian Ethics As A Theoretical Basis

The importance of ethics in finance is undeniable. This dissertation would investigate the relationship between utilitarian ethics and modern financial theory, and its contribution to the development of this field.

A critical investigation into this topic would lead to an understanding of whether, or not there is a problem with using utilitarian ethics as a theoretical basis for modern finance (which many do). The dissertation could also highlight how utilitarianism can be applied in different contexts, and whether or not it needs to be revised at all.

Depending on your interests and expertise, you may choose to focus on a specific area such as: behavioral economics; corporate governance; or management accounting.

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2. A Quantitative Analysis On The Impact Of Environmental Regulations On The Profits Of UK Companies

Environmental regulations are having a negative impact on UK companies, but not all industries are affected equally.

A common misconception is that environmental regulations are having a uniform impact across all companies. However, this is not the case. The degree of impact varies according to industry and company size: small businesses in particular seem more vulnerable than large corporations.

Environmental regulations impose costs on companies through increased compliance costs and reduced productivity due to interruptions caused by inspections and fines for non-compliance with standards set by regulators. As such, they can negatively affect both current profits as well as future investments since firms will be reluctant to invest if there is little certainty about their profitability after compliance costs have been factored into their business models.

3. The Role And Purpose Of Board Composition In Determining Firm Performance – An Empirical Study

The intent of this economics dissertation topic is to examine the relationship between board composition and firm performance. It is expected that the composition of a board will affect how a firm performs in relation to its target audience and consumer base. The theoretical framework for this paper includes the various aspects that influence company performance. This topic can be done using a survey or an interview method, where you ask people about their views on how boards affect company performance in relation to their target audience and consumer base. You could also utilize other research methodologies such as literature review or case studies as well as data collection techniques like questionnaires or interviews with key stakeholders from different organizations who have relevant knowledge about the topic being researched upon.

4. The Impact Of Fed Policy On The US Money Markets: A Comparative Analysis Of Multiple Asset Classes

You can also look at the impact of Fed policy on the US money markets. The Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) is the central bank of the United States, and its primary function is to provide liquidity to the banking system. It does this by setting interest rates for borrowing and lending, which affects everyone from homeowners who take out mortgages to corporations seeking credit for expansion plans. In other words, it has a direct impact on how much money businesses have access to and how much your mortgage payments are going to be each month.

The Fed sets interest rates using monetary policy—a set of tools that includes open market operations (easing or tightening credit) as well as discount rate adjustments (increasing or decreasing short-term interest rates). These policies influence economic activity: higher rates encourage saving while lower ones stimulate borrowing; easing stimulates growth while tightening slows it down; etc.

5. Global Stock Market Bubbles – An Analysis On Commonality In Investment Patterns And Portfolio Management In The 1990s And 2000s

A bubble is a situation where the price of an asset exceeds its fundamental value, and then drops back down. This phenomenon is often associated with the stock market, which can lead to a crash when the bubble bursts.

Bubbles are often difficult to predict because they occur at a time when investors have an irrational belief in their investment’s value. The dotcom bubble was one such economic event; it occurred between 1995 and 2002 and was caused by businesses’ inability to generate revenue from selling products via the internet. However, investors were willing to pay exorbitant amounts for these companies simply because they believed that there would eventually be money to be made off them (which didn’t happen).

The tech industry has always been known for its innovative ideas; however, during this period many companies were unable to find ways (or had too much trouble) monetizing their products—which led investors into making poor decisions regarding how much they should pay for them.

6. The Evolution Of Banking In Britain – An Investigation Into The Developments In Law, Culture And Economic Theory Over Time

Banking in the United Kingdom has a rich and varied past, which has been influenced by law, culture, and economic theory. This dissertation focuses on how banking has evolved over time in Britain.

7. Dynamic Asset Pricing Model With Varying Conditional Skewness And Kurtosis

The Dynamic Asset Pricing Model (DAPM) is a general equilibrium model that describes the interaction between investors and financial markets. It models prices as a function of expected returns, risk-free rates, variances and covariances, correlation coefficients, and other variables.

The conditional skewness and kurtosis of a random variable are useful in determining how to construct portfolios so as to maximize portfolio performance. The higher the conditional skewness or kurtosis of an asset class’ return distribution relative to that of others within your target portfolio allocation strategy (portfolio allocation), the greater its relative importance for diversification purposes will be in relation with competing assets.

This is because higher values for these two measures mean that returns exhibit more extreme deviations from their long-term averages than do lower ones; therefore, they tend to be more volatile than lower ones but also tend over longer periods may exhibit less average return per unit invested than lower ones. If you have less knowledge about dynamic asset pricing model and mentioned economics concepts, then consider seeking help from the top writers of a reliable dissertation writing service like Affordable Dissertation UK.

8. Using Intrinsic Value To Judge Risk Management Decisions – A Case Study Of Microsoft Corporation

One of my favorite economics dissertation topics is to examine the utility of using intrinsic value (IV) as a measure of risk management in the case of Microsoft Corporation. You can analyze how IV has behaved over time and determine whether it acts as a good proxy for stock market valuation. In order to do so, you first define what the intrinsic value is and then provide an example by calculating the IV for Microsoft. Next, you look at how IV compares with its stock market price over time by examining its relationship with price-to-book ratios (P/B).

9. An Empirical Study Into Corporate Investment Patterns And The Role Of Long-Term Debt Financing In Replacement Investment Decisions

The topic of corporate investment is one that has been studied extensively by economists and finance professionals alike. Research has shown that there are three types of replacement investments: organic growth, external financing, and internal financing. The paper would examine how these investment patterns differ between companies with high levels of long-term debt versus those with low levels of long-term debt.

10. An Evaluation Of The Recent Financial Crisis On Spanish Banks, 2006 – 2010

This topic is a great choice if you want to study the financial crisis that occurred in Spain, from 2006-2010. The recent financial crisis was caused by many factors, such as the subprime mortgage crisis and the collapse of Lehman Brothers. It also had an impact on property values. This topic may interest you if you are interested in studying the impact of banking on Spanish society or economic development more generally.

If you choose this economics dissertation topic, it would be beneficial to find out how banks handled themselves during this period and how they were affected by it afterward. You could also focus on some other aspects related to banks such as their investment strategies or risk management policies which could help explain why certain institutions did better than others during this period.

11. Oil Price Volatility And Its Effect On The Nigerian Economy – An Empirical Investigation

This economics dissertation topic is about how oil price volatility affects the Nigerian economy. You can look at past data and see whether there are any trends or patterns, but you should also consider future projections of what might happen to Nigeria’s economy if oil prices remain low or continue to increase.

You may find that this topic has already been covered by other students in your class, so it’s important to do some research before starting your own project!

12. Bank Failure Prediction Using Data Envelopment Analysis & Logistic Regression Models (Application To Turkish Banks)

Bank failure prediction using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and logistic regression models is a topic that investigates the efficiency of banks in Turkey. The model will be built using data from financial years 2005-2014. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) will be used to measure the performance of banks, while logistic regression will be used to predict if a bank would fail or not during financial year 2015. In this case, it will be assumed that there are no other factors affecting bank failures besides their performance level as measured by DEA and its relationship with logistic regression model parameters.


With these economics’ dissertation topics, you can start your research. Good luck with your studies! Please note that the list of economics dissertation topics is not exhaustive, so feel free to choose one that best fits your interests. If you need more ideas, please leave a comment below and we will do our best to help you!

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