Learn Harvard Referencing Style With Examples – Things You Must Do

Learn Harvard Referencing Style With Examples

Citations and references are crucial for increasing a document’s credibility and trustworthiness. Many students commit unintentional plagiarism by failing to properly cite their sources. In-text citations and references or bibliographies for a document must follow academic guidelines. Many universities provide students with referencing guides at the start of their research. APA, Harvard, MLA, and Chicago are the most commonly used referencing styles. The Harvard referencing style is one of the most widely used in academia. Citing relevant sources in Harvard referencing style for your writing increases the integrity of your work.

It shows the reader that you are up to date on the latest developments in your field. If you don’t include enough citations in your writing, your reader will doubt the validity of your research. Furthermore, the Harvard referencing style requires special attention in order to meet the citation and referencing standards. As a result, this article will teach you everything you need to know about Harvard referencing style.

What Is The Set Of Basic Information Related To Source And Its Harvard Referencing Style?

The work’s global recognition is a key indicator of authenticity. The reviews that are currently being debated around the world are extremely important. As a writer, you should be familiar with all of the great critics and reviews. Finding a reliable source is a difficult task. Some students believe that all sources are reliable and use them without hesitation. As a result, the writing is turned down. It is far preferable to discuss the reviews in detail with the director so that your work is safe. However, in some cases, even the director is unaware of the sources and other requirements. So, you have to contact the administration in such cases.

Once you have completed the precision of source, the next step is to gather relevant information about the selected style. Harvard is the chosen referencing style in this case. The Harvard referencing style allows you to briefly cite the source of information. In general, you should be aware of the requirements regarding in-text citation as well as the list of references.

1. In-Text Citation

At the time of working on an in-text citation, you are not supposed to add the full information. It just requires a brief citation, including the name and year within the parentheses. In this way, it becomes easy for a reader to know about the full citation. Also, the reader can easily track the original source of information in no time. The information within the parenthesis includes two things, or it can be three, based on the requirement. If there is no page number, then the in-text citation of Harvard referencing style includes the last name of author and the year of publication. For example, (Bella, 2019).

In contrast, when there is a page number, you are supposed to add it after the author’s last name and year of publication. For example, (Bella, 2019, p.27).

If there is a range of pages, you can mention it in the following way:

(Bella, 2019, pp.27-30)

If the name of author is missing, you can make it as (2019, p.27).

Also, you have to ensure the right Harvard referencing style based on the number of authors. Let’s understand it with the help of examples.

  • One Author Case: when there is only one author, the Harvard referencing style demands to write his last name, including a year of publication and the page number. For example, (Jhona, 2022, p.52).
  • Two Author Case: when there are two authors, the Harvard style demands to write the last names of both authors, including the year of publication and the page number. For example, (Jhona and Smark, 2022, p.52).
  • Three Author Case: when there are three authors, the Harvard style demands to write the last name of first author, including a year of publication and page number. At the time of writing the last name of the first author, you are supposed to add et al., in a citation. For example, (Jhona et al., 2022, p.52).
  • Four Author Case: when there are four or more than four authors, the Harvard style demands to write the last names of all three authors, including a year of publication and the page number. For example, (Jhona, Smark and Deli, 2022, p.52).

2. List Of References

When working on Harvard referencing style, you have to add full citations. Another important thing is that list of references should be in alphabetic order. The easiest way to remember the style of Harvard is “Author-Date”. If the source of data collection is Google Scholar, then you do not have to worry about the style of referencing. There you can find the option of “cite”. When you left-click on the option of “cite”, you can see references in five different styles. These styles include APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard and Vancouver. From this list, you can directly pick Harvard referencing style and add it to your document.

On the other hand, when you have reference in a style other than Harvard, then you have to follow the instructions of “Author-Date” style of referencing. Some of the references in Harvard referencing style are mention below:

  • Crawley, E., Malmqvist, J., Ostlund, S., Brodeur, D. and Edstrom, K., 2007. Rethinking engineering education. The CDIO approach302(2), pp.60-62.
  • Litzinger, T., Lattuca, L.R., Hadgraft, R. and Newstetter, W., 2011. Engineering education and the development of expertise. Journal of Engineering Education100(1), pp.123-150.
  • Felder, R.M., Woods, D.R., Stice, J.E. and Rugarcia, A., 2000. The future of engineering education: Part 2. Teaching methods that work. Chemical engineering education34(1), pp.26-39.

In these examples, you can see the information mentioned about the source, if it is an article, book, journal or something else.

Also Read: Most Popular HRM dissertation examples of Harvard Citation Style

Final Thoughts:

The above-mentioned points help you get the right information related to the Harvard referencing style. You must care about punctuation, dates and names of authors. When you get to know about the information required for Harvard referencing, you have to work on its style. However, if you still have any confusion, hiring a dissertation writing service can solve your problems.

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